Reblog: Reports on Climate Change Conferences, 2000-2019

This collection from the Climate Change Policy blog would have been useful when we were writing a Chapter and a Timeline for the new Routledge Companion to Art and the Public Realm. Anne Douglas, Dave Pritchard and I juxtaposed the 50-year ecological practice of the Harrisons (Helen Mayer Harrison 1927-2018) and Newton Harrison (b.1932) with global environmental policy, including Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainability.

Abstracts as follows:

In the Time of Art with Policy: The Practice of Helen Mayer Harrison and Newton Harrison Alongside Global Environmental Policy Since the 1970s

Time and our understanding of different forms of temporality is an increasing concern, particularly in the context of the climate. From around 1970, the artists Helen Mayer Harrison and Newton Harrison, known as ‘the Harrisons’, started to focus on ecology and ecological systems, influenced by, among other things, Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, published in 1962. Their work is associate with large scale reconceptualisations of human interactions with ecosystems, ranging from watersheds to continents. Time and temporality play a key role in their explorations of eco-cultural wellbeing and their call to put the health of ecosystems first. This is juxtaposed with Global environmental policy, which also accelerates and complexifies starting around the same time, and structures time in different ways. 

The Harrisons’ Practice in the Context of Global Environmental Policy and Politics from the 1960s to 2019: A Timeline

Timelines provide a useful way to visualise complex interacting, sometimes incommensurable, information through a temporal lens. The juxtaposition of one art practice with global environment policy is intended to draw attention to patterns and interrelations, setting aside the obvious categorical differences. The timeline reveals the changes in scales in the work of the Harrisons, in juxtaposition with the complexification and differences in pace of the work of global environmental policy and related scientific research. The authors imagine that readers will have other elements to add dimensions to this exploration across practice and policy.

We are delighted to share this collection of editorials and reports on different Conference of the Parties (COPs) and Subsidiary Bodies (SBs) meetings, which Climate Policy Journal has published in the last 20 years. Take a trip down memory lane, and enjoy reading about some of those key landmarks: the collapse of negotiations at The […]

Reports on Climate Change Conferences, 2000-2019

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