Reblogged from The Hollywood Forest Story: Earth Day 2019: We need to finish the work of Earth-law warrior Polly Higgins Sometimes a voice is sent to calm our deepest fears Sometimes a hearty laugh will banish all our tears Sometimes words will wing our dreaming ever higher And sometimes a mind will set our imaginations afire. John Quinn, Walking on the Pastures of Wonder, 2015 Today, is a very poignant Earth Day. Last night,... Continue Reading →

Tim Collins: Review of LRG’s What is Landscape Justice and Why Does it Matter?

In the second of two pieces resulting from Landscape Research Group (LRG) events, Tim Collins (with input from Reiko Goto) reports on the Debate focused on Landscape Justice held in London on Wednesday 7 December 2017. At this event, landscape justice issues discussed included deeply troubling, indeed dark and bloody national narratives underpinning what is... Continue Reading →

Eradicating Ecocide in Ireland – send letter to Phil Hogan now

Really interesting piece on the legal arguments - we've posted previously on the legal process of giving legal identity to rivers, and this is another dimension of the argument

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